Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today was a good day I made it through the first day of a bootcamp type workout, it was tough, I had to modify a few times, but I never stopped, I kept moving. So I feel like I will see this through every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, for six weeks. I need to figure out a good reward. Hmm that will be the end of August, which means almost September. Which also means a certain someone will be visiting, so I guess that will be my reward (smiles).

So then evening comes and I start winding down and then start thinking. I have always thought way too much. I can seriously remember my thoughts from when I was very young, I remember not talking but always thinking. Way beyond what kids should be thinking, I hate that I am such an emotional roller coaster, I have been that way all my life, on one level I am grateful that I have been given such a gift to know and feel and understand people. But then there are times I get angry that others don't know and feel and understand what I do. Life could be so simple. But people have to make it difficult and this I dont think I will ever understand.

Tomorrow is a new day and if I am lucky I will greet it :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mental Ninja!!

Today was a good day, it was a non-stop day, but even so I managed to squeeze in some gym time. I got on the treadmill walked for 5 minutes, then did rotations of 1 minute run and 1 1/2 min walk. I completed 1.28 miles. Not much but hey its a start :) !! Here is the crazy news, I got a groupon for 6 weeks of boot camp for 29 bucks! I start on Tuesday and am hoping I don't die! Three days a week so I am going to try and keep up the running on others days. I am starting to get nervous about the upcoming zombie run in November, which is a zombie infested 5k obstacle course ( runforyourlives.com ). I also have a run in August, another in September, and then although I haven't registered yet planning to do the color run in December, woohoo, I think I am motivated! Red dress was the kick off! Oh and here is our t-shirt design for the zombie run, designed by none other than the beautiful Erica (my daughter)! Training is all in the mind ya know, this I learned in the real boot camp in 1984. Amazing what our bodies are capable of doing if only we set our mind to it!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Traveling Red Dress is here!!






What a fun day I had with the beautiful traveling red dress sent to me by the lovely Heidi from http://girltomom.com/ blog.

I woke up on Friday, July 13 (5 days after my 48th birthday) at 5:30 am so that I could put on makeup, try to tame my unruly curly hair, and then drape myself in all this red. I then drove to pick up my good friend who took all these gorgeous photos but yet chooses to remain anonymous, although I insist he could make money doing what he loves to do! So then we are on the beach at 7am with many curious onlookers. I must say it was liberating so much so that i even got a few risky shots  which I would never post online ;) So after a couple of hours of playing in the white powder sand, dipping in the clear turquoise waters, and getting bit/pinched by what looked to be a small baby shrimp, we heading back to the car.

So we then drive to the local IHOP so that I could buy this amazing man breakfast in lieu of a commission. While sitting there in this brilliant red dress most just smiled and went on their way. I hear it is not the most unusual occurrence in Clearwater Beach. Then I receive a strange look from a young mother there with her husband and two kids and it dons on me that most people are probably assuming I had a hell of a night out (one night stand) with this handsome black man and had no change of clothes! We both had a good laugh at the thought. I then learn that not only is this day a starting point for me but also my friend. Four weeks earlier he had open heart surgery for severe heart disease and it had gotten to the point he was unable to lift his beloved camera because of the pain it caused. So today was his first day out taking pictures and surpassing my physical abilities!! He was so happy and I am so thankful I got to share the moment with him.

I then drive him home and head back to Tampa. But before I cross the bridge I realize I need gas so stop at a 7-eleven. I think being alone in the red dress my previous boldness left me and I felt a little self-conscious. But I have to get gas so go for it and as I am standing there the store attendant comes out to change the receipt tape in the tank beside me. He looks at me and smiles and says "all women look beautiful in red dresses" and that is what its all about! Thank you Heidi for all that you do!! Much love to you <3